Dolly Parton's Imagination Library

Imagination Library

Pickaway County kids under age five can sign up for Dolly Parton's Imagination Library and receive the gift of a children's book delivered to their home every month! There is no cost to your family to take part in the program. Your child will get a new book in the mail every month until they turn five; the time you spend reading those books together will build the early literacy skills your child needs to succeed. And if your child takes part in the Imagination Library from birth, they'll graduate from the program with a set of 60 books!

Register your child here.

If you are interested in sponsoring the program, funding is coordinated through the Imagination Library Fund at the Pickaway County Community Foundation. See below for a mailable pledge form.

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is brought to you by a number of committed community partners.

 Thank you to our local donors Well Being Fund of PCCF, Friends of the Library, The Savings Bank, Noon Rotary, Sunrise Rotary, South Central Power Foundation

Attachment Size
Pledge Card - Imagination Library 184.3 KB